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How to Engineer Naturally

Here’s a short video clip of Creator of Tomorrow, Gary Chan, talking about how the accelerometer in a handphone was used by the Makanstura folk to create an app that mimics how people actually use the book!

Wouldn’t it be nice? Open-mouthed smile


What about Beijing?

In November Create2011 winners went up to Beijing and explored the city for engineering  oddities and challenges.

We’ve put up the winners’ writeups on the trip on our Facebook Fanpage. Do pop over for a quick read on what’s interesting about China’s Capital.

Here’s a peek at what they’ve done…

Nokia Campus: We Made it Here!

What's in the Nokia Campus? White-suited folk putting phones together; designers get the best view of the city; and a problem to be solved... Hans (The Three Musketeer) thought security efficiency could improve with an algorithm that ignores belts and watches. He also found answers to his earlier questions! More...more info button 

Xuesong thinks that the best part about the visit to Nokia Campus was the phrase: "Curiosity and childishness.” What say you? More...more info button

Yingli Green Energy: Energy from the Sun

We went up to Yingli Green Energy for a look see in their factory. They produce solar cells which are used in solar panels. You might have seen them at the recent World Cup where they were the sponsors. Yohanes thinks that he can improve upon the solar cells' efficiency by using wings of moths?!? More...more info button


Going Mobile: We Found Answers!

It’s all in the video. Check out the questions by UCreateChange fans on our Facebook Fanpage. Open-mouthed smile 

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About e

Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!