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Just who is: Sung Peir Fen of ExxonMobil

Sung Peir Fen Don’t bluff. We know that you don’t think women can do engineering.

We can read minds. You’re probably thinking: “most engineers are guys, it’s all about maths and science, and it’s about ‘nerdy males who design weaponry in the movies’.”

Hrmmph. Have you met Sung Peir Fen?

Woman, process engineer at ExxonMobil, and interviewed on 938Live in December 2009.

And you know what? Peir Fen’s just as sceptical when we spoke about perceived limitations for women engineers:

“Contrary to public perception, there are many female engineers in the petrochemical industry. In ExxonMobil, there are numerous women role models in management positions, for younger engineers like myself. They hold key posts in technical, operations, engineering, logistics and even construction management.”

If you think that she sits in a cubicle all day long… think again, because she…we’ll let her tell you about it herself.

One last bite – Steve Jobs, if you’re reading this post, Peir Fen would like to invite you to dinner ‘cause you are “innovative and constantly challenging norms”.

Why engineering?

“I enjoy using structured and analytical processes to tackle problems. So I wanted to develop these skills. Engineering lets me develop them, and it has also given me with a wide range of career options and some versatility of choice.”

Who’s better: Women or men?

“In university, I saw many ladies hold their own against male counterparts. Now at work, I see women engineers getting as many opportunities as their male counterparts. Women make good project leaders and present well, we’re great at analysing problems and we come up with the most elegant solutions!”

Sung Peir Fen, who is a "Creator of Tomorrow" and engineer at ExxonMobil, hosts students at Jurong Island and shares about what she does as an engineer.


Women engineers are seen as “square”. What say you?

“Life as a female engineer is hardly a square. You define and push the boundaries all the time, even those that are physically demanding.”

Got an example?

“We may not be as strong as the men but we have the stamina and endurance to meet challenges! I oversaw maintenance work during a routine turnaround for the plant. This post is typically taken up by men.

“When I was climbing the access ladders and platforms with an experienced Quality Control personnel, he commented that I climbed faster and with greater agility than the many men whom he has worked with!”

Your dream invention?

“A teleportation machine. Humans spend too much time commuting. Imagine the resources saved if we didn’t have to build infrastructure [roads, railways etc] for transportation! That land could be used for other things!”

Advice to women engineers?

“Don’t be bogged down by conventions. Follow your interests. Thrive on being different from your male counterparts; don’t try to be like them. Be confident in your own abilities.”

Got a question for Peir Fen? Drop us an email and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

About Just Who Is series…

Every month, we talk to a Creator of Tomorrow to find out what makes them tick and tock, why they became engineers, and how they got to where they are now.


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Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!