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Oink Oink

wuzzup!!! from

Hey all,

THANK YOU for your suggestions!

They're very much appreciated!!!

I've passed them onto the panelists to think over. And we'll make sure that has all the cool stuff that you need! After all, what use is a website if it ain't got what you want? :D

So be honest, and tell us, no-holds-barred, what you like or don't like about the site. We've got thick, thick skin. :D

Oh yes, check out this week's Hmmm... section (scroll down to the end) for some submitted suggestions. They certainly got us thinking about the site. Hopefully, they'll get you thinking about it too!

See you soon at!
Your Friendly Change Champ,


Don't Miss...
2009_04_16 - Fabric of the Future Fabrics of the Future...

...are on show in Tokyo 2009: Senseware. The exhibition is a showcase of Japanese artificial fibre technology where "some of these fibres are as fine as individual cells[!], some more pliant than rubber, and some electrically conducive as metal".

Mind-blowing eh? (Xchange post)


Other Posts
2009_04_29 - Eyeborg Eyeborg

Canadian filmmaker Rob Spence is probably the first cyborg (part man, part machine, all nerd). He has replaced his lost eye with a video camera and wireless transmitter. And he's filming the world from his perspective. Hmmm.... What if he walks into a ladies toilet? (Xchange Post)

2009_05_01 - Binishell Binishell

Pour concrete on a steel canvas and shape it by blowing air into it. Sounds crazy eh? You can get outlandish architectural shapes with this method and it's economical too! (XChange Post)

2009_05_01 - Allosphere Allosphere

A bunch of engineers, mathematicians and musicians took neurological data (essentially numbers on a piece of paper) and turned them into blooming shapes, pretty colours and an entire musical score to represent everything that's going on in your brain! You have got to watch the video for yourself! (XChange Post



Some user submissions for

  • " a sketch area. where people can sketch up whatever creation they want and its posted instantly. i.e., instead of words to describe how they'd change the world, have a sketch!" - mary-anne hia

  • "Tired of flipping pages on Xchange. Would love to see a ready-to-view list, so that I can pick and choose the story I want to read." - #CHEK WAI YIN#

  • "Your website is very cool with all the new and interesting things everyday.
    perhaps I'm being demanding. I just feel that the website is not practical in a sense that it does not provide a platform for me to make a change. when i saw the advertisements I thought it's like a platform for young people to communicate and meet up to do interesting activities." - kang long

  • "Homepage should have a central focus (contest or theme for the month)" - Tania

Keep them coming!


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About e

Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!