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Just who is: Justin Chiam of SIA Engineering

Creator of Tomorrow - Justin Chiam Justin Chiam’s got a hand in the passenger jets that fly from Changi Airport.

Well… Not literally, but he is part of the team that oversees the redelivery of aircraft that goes to SIA Engineering for servicing (located within Changi Airport).

He describes his work as:

“I look at continuous improvements of our operational processes. In the aviation industry, everything is highly regulated. Operational tasks must be carried out smoothly, efficiently and with clockwise precision. This is only possible if the SIA Engineering improves the efficiency and effectiveness of their processes. At the moment, my section looks at the running of aircraft maintenance checks – from start of negotiations until redelivery of aircraft to our customers.”

But we’re after more, so we asked:

When did you want to be an engineer?

When I was very young even before I finished primary school. I liked to dismantle toys and put them back together, sometimes unsuccessfully. I would modify my toys – MASK vehicles to aircraft models. Often, they'd end up looking like "mutated" vehicles.

What’s the best part about it?

It has to be working with the latest aircraft technology such as the pneumatic, hydraulic and electronics systems of the A380 aircraft, the "greener" engine Trent 900, and composites of aircraft structures. And I get to travel to pretty much wherever an aircraft can land, such as Toulouse, Jakarta, Mumbai and New York!

Airbus 380 (src: A350XWB900)

The worst part?

The impossible deadlines and tremendous responsibility of redelivering an aircraft to a customer. Personally I block everything out with quality music (think: bossanova and jazz) to help me focus on the job.

What is your dream invention?

A full frame Canon camera that is designed ergonomically like a Nikon and uses ef-s lenses, but all within the casing of a point and shoot camera.

And what can’t you live without?

Oxygen, but seriously, in this business, perseverance pays.

Got a question to ask Justin? Drop us an email and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

About Just Who Is series…

Every month, we talk to a Creator of Tomorrow to find out what makes them tick and tock, why they became engineers, and how they got to where they are now.

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Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!