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Living spaces: It ain’t up the clouds

Zero Energy Building- credit BCA Most of us live in buildings: be it bungalows, HDB flats, or huts. Some of them are exquisite but dysfunctional, others value function over style. Architects and developers ask “Why can’t we have both?”

Sure we could.

Just look to these projects for inspiration. And mix-and-match them to your liking.

Smart homes “can learn the ways of its inhabitants simply by observing how they walk around and use different appliances” via sensors. So if you’re making breakfast and left the stove on, the home knows that it’s not right and it’ll tell you to switch it off.

Or you could wire up your living space to tweet its water and electricity usage so that you’ll know what to cut and what to keep.

Singapore’s experiment in living sustainably amounts to a BCA Academy building that’s retrofitted into a zero-energy building (photo gallery from CNet Asia). It’s supposed to save up to $84,000 a year on energy bills! But it’s only been a year since its remod, so we’ll have to wait and see if it works.

Dubai’s at forefront of cutting edge architecture and design. Take the Rotating tower of Dubai for example, where every floor rotates independently of other floors. Now that’s pretty cool but we’re not sure if it’s built yet.

And for a vision of “the house of the future as a place for new spatial experiences, new systems of sustainability and new sensory enhancements”, it’s best to look at projects by Architecture and Technology for Intelligent Living. They’re conceptual as heck but worth the imagination.

In Other News

The Singapore Airshow is on this weekend. And it promises to be full of cool stuff. At least that’s what we saw during our ST Aerospace & ST Kinetics visits.

At the same time, we’re devoting this week’s UCreateChange Get Inspired posts to flying machines and things that can hover 2 feet off the ground without strings attached.

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Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!