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The Future of Mobility

What happened on (10-16 May 2010)

Mobility: “the quality of moving freely".

What we wanna do is to improve that quality. After all everything – from traffic to information – wants to be free. Just look at Wikipedia, it’s an encyclopedia of information created by people like you and me, and moderated by very interested parties…

And it’s also the theme of Create2011: our annual engineering challenge!

2010_05_10 - Bicycle lanes in the air soar above traffic & cars

So every now and then, you’ll find things that might just define the future of mobility on our website; such as Bicycle lanes in the air that let you soar above traffic & cars… the peeps over at Habbo certainly liked them enough to give it props. What really weirded them out was this magnetic ink that turns any paper into nanomachines such as levers, tweezers and speakers to boom the bass!

2010_05_11 - Light touch Pico Projector creates touchscreens out of anything The Light touch Pico Projector might just change how we interface with our computers and devices. It’s a light show that creates touchscreens out of any surface. Applications include: ordering Sushi by drawing on your table; playing (literally) off the wall piano.

2010_05_15 - Paper to pixel E-Reader for the news And the newspaper industry should get booster shot with this portable E-Reader that folds, rolls and yes, displays the news like traditional newspapers, but only as it happens. Finally we heart this invention where cars are steered by the driver’s eyes. So remember to keep them on the road at all times!

logo Take the Create2011 engineering challenge and wow us with your vision of the Future. The Grand Prize: A Nokia Experiential Journey in Beijing and Singapore!

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Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!