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“What is Engineering [about]?”

Adam and Jamie from Mythbusters. Prototypical engineers (src: Two weeks ago, I’ve had a bunch of questions on “What’s engineering?

That discussion (right fine, it was an argument) got me thinking about the nature of engineering and what’s it about. Is engineering really just making stuff like cars, buildings and mp3 players? Is it a way of improving our lives? Or is it a way to view the world?

I figured that I’d might as well ask an engineer on it’s all about. Good thing that Creator of Tomorrow, Justin Chiam from SIA Engineering, stepped up to the plate and gave us an answer (or eight of them) to the “what’s it about?” question. Some of his answers, most of us would instinctively know. The rest perhaps, not so. But in all, it’s a good list to get a feel of how engineers see engineering.

Engineering is about

1. Changing people’s lives for the better…

Planes to fly us to New York City. Light bulbs to read Harry Potter by. Getting handphone signals in the middle of nowhere. All the good things that make life easier.

2. Relishing challenges…

Cracking new designs at the snap of your fingers. Completing safety checks on an aircraft before it flies out of Changi Airport.

3. Endurance & seeing the big picture…

Chipping away at challenging projects to succeed at it. After all nuclear power did not materialise overnight!

4. Analysing problems…

How can I make a cup that’s user friendly for blind people? How can I stop rain from hitting me when I get out of a car? Engineering trains you to think logically, which enhances most aspects of our lives.

5. Tactfulness…

Creating the solution, good. Convincing others that it works, better. Some of the best engineering ideas might not have happened if engineers weren’t tactful.

6. Intelligence…

Using our most important asset, common sense, to solve problems like the one below:

Q: How can I write a note in zero gravity where pens don’t work?
A: Use a pencil.

7. Discovery…

How did they identify Sharbat Gula as Steve McCurry’s Afghan Girl? Why does the soccer ball fly in a curved path when David Beckham kicks it? Pursue your curiosities and passions – find out why; make it happen.

8. Responsibility…

Fans should blow cool air, not suck it out. Airplanes should fly, not waddle. The truth is: engineering’s about making sure that things work as they should.

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Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!