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Interview with Create 2010 Winners: Great Ideas Association

We hate them. We really do.

It costs a ton of cash to fly to Munich, doze in Hilton, and munch on Bratwursts, Schnitzels, and Pretzels. But these boys get it all for free!

The trio from Raffles Institution, collectively known as Great Ideas Association, won over our Create 2010 judges with the GDome – a “greenhouse that could transform coastal regions into arable land and efficate sustainable farming” (read it on Scribd). It came out from their motivation to “reduce world hunger and secure our food for the future.”

The project addresses very real problems. Hopefully it’ll get turned into reality some time soon. (Remember you heard it here first!) Until then, they’ll just have to make do with a trip to Munich.

Ahhh… Bygones. It’s water under the bridge.

But questions bugged us. How did they win Create 2010? And why did they even sign up in the first place? So we caught up with Great Ideas Association and jawed over coffee, rain and travel plans.

PS: Create 2011 is just round the corner. Check back for more details!

Why did you join Create 2010?

Besides the attractive prizes, we believe Create 2010 offers us a good platform to experience what it is like to be an engineer when guided by instinct, curiosity, and a passion for the world.

Why did you think you won Create 2010?

Hard work. We have put in tremendous effort to ensure that our project is not only visionary but also feasible.

What did you like about the competition?

Freedom. In Create 2010, we are free to explore issues that we are truly passionate about and develop solutions based on our understanding and our idea of what is best for the world. As a result, work was the fun of chasing dreams.

What didn’t you like about it?

There was little interaction between the organizer and the participants or even among the participants. Perhaps the objective of the competition could be better met by holding a few general meetings during the early stages of the competition for all participants to share their preliminary ideas. With a broader perspective, the quality of our entries could definitely improve.

What has Create 2010 taught you?

How little I know about the world.

What new inspirations that you’d like to turn into reality?

Terrapower [a Traveling Wave Reactor which promises a vastly improve the nuclear fuel cycle. Website] or any other promising solutions to the energy crisis.

What do you plan to do in Munich?

Fully enjoy the fruits of our labour. At the same time we’ll blog about this once in a lifetime experience [Check out their travels at BMWTrip, Wanderlust0 & reallyjustfun]. Hopefully we can reach out to many more aspiring engineers out there.

Advice for Create 2011 participants?

Research, research, and research. Do not take pride in knowing that your idea is new (chances are it is not), take pride in knowing that your idea is better. Dare to dream, dare to create.

What you missed at the Create 2010 Competition
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Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!