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Hi Ho Hi Ho, off to home we go.

Create 2010 winners guest blog about their travels to Munich.
This trip is generously sponsored by BMW.

Day four: Up a mountain, through Bayern Munich’s locker room, into the terminal, and thoughts.

That’s all of us shivering away on a mountain (src: Wanderlust)

We’re on the top of the world!

Public service announcement

We’re ditching the usual “comment and tell” format for a photo gallery of our last day in Munich. But if you really need words, read about it on our blogs at BMWTrip | Wanderlust | Just for Fun.

Mountains of snow

What’s inspiring? There’s a very liberating atmosphere in Munich. We went to many museums and BMW FIZ. These places were filled with “out of the box” ideas that people can think of.

View of Munich’s Olympic Stadium from Restaurant 181 (src: Wanderlust)

The oddest? How the scenery’s mood changes with the weather. We could experience Munich’s transition from winter to spring. The vistas were just awesome as the houses, streets, trees and people just blended so well with the season’s changes. In fact, the city did not look manmade.

Seats 66,000 fans. All rowdy and raring to go.

The most comforting? Had to be the people. We had the pleasure of meeting many kind-hearted and inspiring people. Our guides were extremely caring and kind to us. Also everyone in Munich had great stories to tell!

We’re standing in Bayern Munich’s locker room!

We thank

Everyone whom we met on this trip!

…these were five awesome days. Five busy days. Cold and sweet. Stuffed with surprised and cherished moments. And topped with so many great people that I have met.


There were Mr. Juchet from BMW, there were German guides in the museums at the Palace that I, disappointedly, unable to spell the names correctly. There was the pleasant German woman that so generously showed us the way at the underground train station when we got confused with the giant underground train network. And most of all, there was Susanne Navarro, our dearest host from BMW, so kind-hearted and caring who has made the trip a wonderful journey.

(Just for Fun)

Auf Wiedersehen! (for now…)

More @ Just for Fun | wanderlust! | BMW Trip

About Letters from Munich series…

These blog posts are written by our Create2010 winners: Great Idea Association. It charts their journey as they reap their reward: an all-expenses paid trip to BMW Welt in Munich.

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Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!