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Touchdown München & 600 Transformers

Create 2010 winners guest blog about their travels to BMW Welt in Munich.
This trip is generously sponsored by BMW.

Day one: Arrived in Munich; the daredevil in BMW Welt; and “robots working in symphony” to make cars.

2010_03_17 - lead

Yup. There’s graffiti in Germany too…

Munich…cold & pretty, with a chance for dumplings!

We arrived at 6am, grabbed a huge breakfast and wandered around frosty Munich -- tasting snowflakes and found…

Qiao han tasting snow. src: wanderlust

Sky scrapers and modern architectures all blended into the whole scenery. The dark colors of the roofs, the dark greenish tone of gleaming glasses found a way to blend so picturesquely into the landscape.


We went further into the city. There were lovely streets with uniquely “European architectures”. The old-styled bicycles leaning on the walls of those buildings made the whole sight even more antique.




And snow was falling outside.
(Just for Fun)

Quickie Fact:
Munich, also known as Millionendorf – the "village of a million people", is the capital city of Bavaria, Germany. The city is reputed for its high quality of life and safety. It houses many global enterprises such as Allianz, Siemens AG and BMW.

BMW Welt…Wuzzup with sustainability?

BMW Welt exterior

The highlight was the BMW Welt tour (“Velt” to be Germanically correct) where we got up close and personal…

Within the sprawling interior of BMW Welt, we got a close look at many of the latest BMW models as well as enjoying many interactive exhibits which displayed the innovative technologies in BMW cars.

BMW Welt exhibits

We met up with Mr Jean-Michel Juchet from Corporate Affairs who gave us a little presentation on the past, present, and future of BMW. There’s plenty of emphasis on sustainability of their automobile production.

This makes me wonder how do they stay competitive while advancing an economically unsustainable agenda. The answer was given to us during lunch and it seems that most of the sustainability oriented projects, albeit costly now, are actually profitable in the long run.


This perhaps hints at the idea that the first step to achieving world wide adoption of green technologies is to make these technologies cheap. But on the other hand it also raises the question of how much effort are the companies really putting into saving our environment. Are they willing to forgo profit for the sake of our environment?

(BMW Trip)

Speaking of sustainability, how cool would a Solar-powered BMW be?

Solar-powered BMW

Verily verily so.

Oh and there was a stunt rider who rode up and down staircases on a motorcycle!

BMW Plant…where they whip cars into shape

It’s awe-inspiring to get up close to an army of robot arms that spin, cut and weld metal parts into whole cars (dipping and painting included)!

Sorry! No photos allowed! We tried to sneak in a shot but we’re too nice to play punk :P…

Gia says:

I was visiting a place with 600 Transformers. Really, those robots in the BMW Plant looked more impressive and, more importantly, real as compared to the Transformers. The 600 or so robots in the BMW Plant in Munich were in charge of 90% of the work in manufacturing a BMW car.


These robots were giant mechanic structures with arms rotating, lifting and splashing melting metals in rhythms. The whole place was filled with the buzzing noise of the hydraulic joints and the screeching noise of metals. Car’s shell and fully-functioning cars were moving around those gigantic 3-meters arms.
(Just for Fun)


Remember the dumplings? We were flooded with them!

At the end of the day, we had dinner at the excellent Wirtshaus in der Au.


The food was mouth-watering, but the portions were… a little too large…

We’re growing boys but this is just too much. Food, that is. O.o

And here’s dessert.

Dessert in Munich

Stay tuned for Day 2!

More @ Just for Fun | wanderlust! | BMW Trip

About Letters from Munich series…

These blog posts are written by our Create2010 winners: Great Idea Association. It charts their journey as they reap their reward: an all-expenses paid trip to BMW Welt in Munich.

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Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!