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Create 2011 Help Files: On teamwork

You’ve got a bright idea for Create2011. So does your teammate.

Here’s the problem: you both think that your own idea’s better than the other… So how do you resolve it?

Or what if your teammate isn’t doing any work?

Or what if you just don’t have the time to work together?


They are problems that every team will face. In fact, you might just be having a teamwork crisis right now! But working in teams is a big part of doing engineering. In fact, engineering projects are just too large-scale for anyone to do on their own.

While we realise there might problems, just talking about it doesn’t solve it. That’s why we got the Creators of Tomorrow to weigh in on how to work better as a team.

Got a problem? Tell us at and we’ll help you out!

We have no time to work together

“If you can't find time to meet and work together, split up the work and have each team member work independently to begin with, then come together for the final touches.”

- Marc Teo

“Also, try splitting up any research or sketches you decide to do, and then put the final idea together as a team.”

- Andrew McGlinchey

My ideas aren’t getting through at all!

“Firstly, it's important that everyone has a voice. Do not reject anything when you are going through the process of idea creation. You can do that later on, when you have a bunch of ideas.

“At this point you can go two ways:

1. Democracy.

Everyone votes and the idea with the most votes is the idea you go with. Resist the urge to want 'your' idea and be honest if you see a better one from someone else.

2. Have a Team Leader.

Again, go through the process of voting on all ideas, but the Team Leader has the final say. “

– Pete Moss

We’re always squabbling!

“Everyone needs to have an understanding that they want to move forward in the same direction, towards the same goal, if not, you do not have a team. So communication is key. Don't like something? Talk about it. Like something? Talk about it too.”

- Jason Chionh

I can’t see why they want to do it that way!

“While ideas may be divergent and aplenty during the brainstorming sessions, teams must agree and work on only one. Try being sensitive to others and understand their point of view.”

- Justin Chiam

“Everyone has his own ideas and rationale for doing something, thus it is important for all in the team to discuss each other’s ideas/opinions and come up with a decision together.”

- Susan Chong

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Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!