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Just who is: Ian Pang of LucasArts

Ian Pang Ever dreamt of being a Jedi and fighting against the Dark Forces?

Here’s something even better: making this dream come true for millions of fans and gamers around the world.

Ian Pang, Associate Producer at LucasArts in California, does it on a daily basis. To him,

“Games are about fulfilling dreams and fantasies. If you want to feel like a Paladin, a Fighter Pilot or a Jedi, playing video games can bring that experience to you. Not many careers allow you to touch lives all over the world the way game developers are able to.”

His next big ambition is to work with Shigeru Miyamoto, a man who has made some of Ian’s favourite games and never fails to amaze him with his designs. Give him a shout-out if you can make his dream come true!

In the meantime, Ian tells us more about what goes on behind the games…

What does engineering mean to you?

Engineering is about learning how to apply theory to practical challenges. You may have Newton’s laws of motion “inscribed” in your mind but applying them to building an F1 race car is a completely different ballgame.

What do you love about your job?

I get paid to sit around and play games! But seriously, as an Associate Producer, I’m involved in a broad spectrum of jobs with the bulk of my efforts going towards ensuring the game is shipped on time, within budget and with the best quality. The sight of your finished product on the shelves is the most satisfying feeling.

What frustrates you about making games?

There’s always something that you’d like to improve on after you ship the game, but then again, that’s what sequels are for.

Writing code is “unglam” – myth or fact?

I think this misconception stems from not fully understanding what engineering is about. “Writing code” is but a means of communicating your idea to a machine. I’m quite certain people would say there’s nothing “unglam” about Facebook, Google or Star Wars. On the contrary, these probably come across as being cool, and all these cool ideas involve a certain amount of code writing.

Advice for aspiring game developers?

Be passionate and always have the perseverance to see things through! If you have a good idea and are passionate enough to see it through, you are ready to make games. In addition, developing games goes beyond just writing code; having an appreciation of art and design is also crucial to becoming a successful games engineer.

What’s next for you?

I’m currently working on Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2, which comes out this fall. It’s an exciting project that involves lots of cutting edge technology.

Got a question for Ian? Drop us an email and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

About Just Who Is series…

Every month, we talk to a Creator of Tomorrow to find out what makes them tick and tock, why they became engineers, and how they got to where they are now.

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Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!