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What Engineers Think…

At Create2011 Challenge, we want you to trash the box. Think way outside of it. We want ideas that aren't tied down to a desk or a power socket, ideas that truly improve "the quality of moving freely".

Create 2010 winner: Geodesic Dome

Question is… how?

How do I look for ideas? How do I know if it works? How do I present them?

We know that it’s not easy, so we’ll be posting useful ideas and thoughts that might help you in Create2011 Challenge. Look for posts labelled with: “Create ideas”, alternatively leave a comment on our Facebook fanpage.

Today we’ve gotten Yap Choon Seng, an engineering lecturer from a local polytechnic, in a Q&A session on ideas, starting up, working with teammates and competition winners.

  1. Where should I get started?

Start by looking for similar things that my predecessors have done. Often we do projects that aren’t ground-breaking, never-seen-before stuff. There would have been prior examples.

  1. How do I know if my ideas good or not?

Well... good or bad is often subjective. My ideas always sound good to me since I proposed them. If my boss adopts my idea, the idea would sound good to him too, which is an added bonus for me.

  1. Working with my teammates is tough! How do I make it easier?

Be nice. When in doubt, keep my mouth shut.

  1. Should we mix design with engineering know-how?

They go hand-in-hand as a successful product must both. We often need to find a middle ground between these two, since they often have conflicting requirements.

  1. Do I need to be a Maths geek?

Not really... Engineers normally use commercially available software to do all the maths stuff.

  1. How should we do a kick-ass presentation?

I heard Steve Jobs’ presentations of Apple’s new products are always dramatic. We can learn from him.

Steve Jobs unveils the long awaited Apple iPhone 3G at WWDC (World Wide Developers Conference) 2008 in San Francisco…
  1. What do competition winners have in common?

They all want the prize real bad.

Take the Create2011 engineering challenge and tell us your vision of Future Mobility to win the grand prize of: A Nokia Experiential Journey in Beijing and Singapore! Check out our Facebook fanpage for exciting contests & giveaways!

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Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!