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Create2011: T-Com (Senior)

image Project name: T-Talk
School: Anglo-Chinese Junior College
Team members: Ng Wei Ting, Jasmine Ng Shi Min, Eileen Tan

Ever felt frustrated that you cannot understand another party due to the language barrier? Well, fret no more with the T-TALK. This portable translator will enable one to understand what message the other party is trying to convey without much hassle.

What is it?

It is a wireless headset and is able to process and interpret what the other party is speaking and translate it to the language that you understand. This can improve communications and eliminate language barrier as any language can be easily interpreted and translated to the consumers preferred language. Hence, this reduces the chances of miscommunication and misconception, lowering the risks of having misunderstandings. This improves the way people connect as they are not tied down by the language barrier and face no restrictions in making new friends or going to foreign places. People are able to understand each other better too.


There is no longer a need for translators to be present at summits, conventions etc. as people are able to understand each other. Hence, time is saved and it saves the trouble of pausing during meetings for translation of languages. This way, business deals and treaties can be sealed faster.

Sound is created due to the vibrations of air molecules in the air, thus in order for T-TALK to work efficiently and detect the different intonations and stresses of each language, a database will be installed in the T-TALK which is able to recognize the unique ranges of sounds caused by the different languages. Due to the difference in stresses and intonations of each language, the range of each language would differ respectively and thus T-TALK will be able to detect the different languages and translate it to the preferred language of the user using software.


The T-TALK comes with a T-SEE too a pair of special glasses that is able to scan works written in foreign languages. These words can be translated into the desired language and transmitted via the headset.

The T-SEE works like a message reader however the difference is that as it is able to ‘scan’ the written works directly. A scanner uses a ‘cold cathode lamp to illuminate the scanned image, which reflects off the object and into a Charged Coupled Device (CCD). The Charged Coupled Device collects the information, and through a series of electronic devices converts the analog signal into a series of digital signals which can then be read and processed by computer software.

We will use a similar device on the T-SEE, but the T-SEE will be able to ‘scan’ the image from a distance by utilizing a more powerful and focused illumination source which can be directed from a further distance.


1. Conferences, conventions, summits and meetings.
2. Tourists: able to tour countries with more ease, without facing any obstacles due to the language barrier. (E.g. signboards, sales assistants, flight attendants)
3. Documentaries/films/articles in foreign languages.

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Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!