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Just Who is: Ho Wuiyee of LucasArts

Ho Wuiyee

While compatriot Ian Pang works at LucasArts in California, Ho Wuiyee works at LucasArts Singapore. Besides location, his role is also somewhat different. His main role is to ““program and fix the graphical glitches and inconsistencies” as a software engineer.

Within the context of a game, he thinks it’s important to…

…find new ways to engage the player. It is a continuous learning process with new hardware being announced and interactive entertainment moving to new platforms in the form of handhelds and mobile phones. The processing and graphical capabilities of some of the latest handheld gadgets are simply mind blowing!

But really, he wished that someone had invented a time machine! Why? “I believe everybody at some point in time would have wished for the ability to travel backwards or forwards in time!”

As do we all.

When did you want to be an engineer?

I guess it goes back to when I wrote my first little piece of software in primary school. It was one of those “ask me a question and I will appear to give an intelligent answer” type batch scripts. You can say that was how my interest in interactive software started and the passion carries on in my work today as a games engineer.

What’s the hardest part about becoming an engineer?

Seeing into the future and designing systems that are extensible, modular and most importantly to support all the features required by the title. Basically you’ve to see into potential issues that may arise and design solutions that prevent their occurrence. It is a moving target and we don’t always see all the problems until we run into them. That is what makes it challenging.

What’s the reality behind Multimedia engineering?

The term “multimedia” is really broad. It spans advertising, interactive media, animation, games and upcoming technology that doesn’t fall into any particular category yet! It is a good start to explore your interest, but you have to stay focus on your strengths and dive deeper into the discipline that you are passionate about.

What would be the next big thing in gaming?

As hardware go down both in costs and dimension, gaming on mobile devices will most like become very popular. Platforms like the iPhone OS and Android OS allows independent developers to get their games to the market faster and cheaper.

Advice for someone who wants to go into games?

First there are different disciplines to consider from art, design, engineering to production. Align your interest and strengths with one of these and go for it! It’s an exciting industry and you’ll be in for a fantastic journey!

What would your own game have?

That is something that is constantly changing. Right now I’m reading up on plant simulation using fractals so I might go off experimenting on that for awhile. And it’ll have lots of plants!

Got a question for Wuiyee? Drop us an email and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

About Just Who Is series…

Every month, we talk to a Creator of Tomorrow to find out what makes them tick and tock, why they became engineers, and how they got to where they are now.

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Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!