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Sell Your Idea!

You’ve got your idea. You’ve submitted it.

More importantly, you’re a Create2011 finalist!

So what next?

Apart from garnering votes (very, very important if you want to win that 4-day trip to Nokia Singapore and Beijing!), Create2011 finalists must create prototypes and present them to our judges!

That’s actually three different posts: one on garnering votes; another on prototypes (which our CoTs will be mentoring); and finally on presentation.

Last week, our guest writer Ong Yizhen wrote a rousing post on how to do up and present your idea to kick ass (like our favourite non super-powered hero).

Kick Ass movie trailer

But what would rock the Creators of Tomorrows’ boat? We’ve polled them for their responses and found that it’s a mixed bag of acting and tips.

Got a problem? Tell us at and we’ll help you out!

On Selling Your Idea

“Selling is essentially a communications job. You need to be in the customer’s shoe and try to discern what he needs and what will make him tick. This is also very much a musician’s job – to entertain and to express an emotional feeling not through language, but through music. Being an entertainer makes you a more sensitive and selfless human being and hence a better salesman.” – Terence Swee (Muvee)

If you have something to say, there's no need to sing it.

“If it's a great idea, then present it as simply as possible. Think about your presentation in this way. A good start for any presentation is by painting a picture of the benefits of your solution. Then show it. Remember, if your solution is unique, that nobody has seen it before. You may be very familiar with it, after all the time you have spent thinking about it. But don't assume anything of your audience. It will all be new to them. All you have to do is sell its value and relevance in the world.” – Pete Moss (Ogilvy)

Take a leaf from good speakers

“Check out the TED talks to get some ideas on making memorable presentations. Also, be confident, practice with a mock audience and get feedback, and then relax and have fun.” – Maddy Bandera (IBM)

Give your audience some lovin’

“Your audience need to feel the energy and excitement of your team during the presentation, this energy and excitement must be genuine. Only when this is genuine that the audience will be able to feel excited about your team's ideas too. This will make a good kick-ass presentation.” – Jason Chionh (LucasArts)

Involve Your Audience…or it’s Zzzzz

“Always make your presentation interactive, involve your audience in it or they will start falling asleep. Throw in some surprises or humour into your presentation, and keep it short and precise.” - Susan Chong (Greenpac)

Stuck? Follow these Tips!

  1. “1. Illustrate the problem you want to solve by telling a story or giving a specific example.
  2. 2. Introduce your solution in a short headline
  3. 3. Give some details about how your solution would solve the problem. If there are challenges in your solution that you've thought about how to resolve, explain those too
  4. 4. Be yourself! There are shy or serious people who give great presentations, as well as people who are outgoing or comedic. Be organized, care about your topic, and you will be great!” – Andrew McGlinchey (Google)

Take the Create2011 engineering challenge and tell us your vision of Future Mobility to win the grand prize of: A Nokia Experiential Journey in Beijing and Singapore! Check out our Facebook fanpage for exciting contests & giveaways!

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Change Champion e: editor of UCreateChange.comI'm the editor of UCreateChange. And I started this blog with the intention of putting up my past weekly roundups 'cause it's a shame they're simply disappearing into people's inboxes. Anyways, if you've a question on engineering, drop me a line at!